Wednesday, August 26, 2009


0/02/09 Rich colors of autumn, dew on the leaves, how I'll miss large hostas, teeny birds taking 'wing'; and, will all this green disappear, go to sleep? Bee's visit picnics, sunset's more intense; and, a chance for new paintings, walks alone in the leaves. Oh how I love autumn, the chill in the air, pots of thick chili and to be snuggled, all warm!

I had hoped to work on this blog over the summer but time just ''leapt'' before me. This guy is chilling during the dogs days of summer; and, the katydids are going wild! The waterpond has had a number of beautiful scintillating waterlilies. The three new kitty cats are having a blast trying to catch frogs and bugs. Does anyone want free plants? I have tons of waterlilies and lotus to give away; and, tons of shade perennials!!
If not now, contact me in the spring by email or phone!!
9/18/09 strange: 3 pictures just disappeared on this post and I can't figure out why. They were there since the 26th and now gone..why is that??? If anyone knows how this can occur let me know!!!