Tuesday, November 24, 2009


(writing a little poem soon here to say goodbye to summer and fall)
November 27, 2009 For some reason I have not been able to write any poems/ditties for some
months now; nothing comes to me. So, I am going to publish something I wrote a while back which still needs to be tweaked here and there. But, here it is for today. 

 Born to Earth we crawl we stand,
For some they choose to walk to dance.
For others life is strife and thorns,  
And those we love have left too soon!
For some colors are bright and full,
yet others tremble, lost to fears.
Life surely has harsh twists and turns,
tastes of summer and winter storm.      
Breezes blow, some topple down,      
others rise to brace the storm.          
Yes the life here holds twists and turns     
amid, fragrant tender showers.  
Is life a problem solving paradox,
an Earth without stability, truth?    
As assuredly here, a beginning, an end,  
                                The only One Truth, the Lord's Son.  -suzie 09'                               
    synonyms for ''certain" from Webster's Dictionary as follows:   

Friday, November 20, 2009

WELKINWEIR: Green Valley Association: 1368 Prizer Road, Pottstown PA 19465.

Took a walk today at Welkinweir. I love this place. A nature preserve, 197 acres of ponds, wetlands, meadows, and woodlands offer a diverse setting for many ''critters and birds." Took my Canon SLR hoping to take shots of flora and fauna but had forgotten to charge the battery! Ding dong! (photos: Oakleaf Hydrangea)

I was not aware of this until today that the trails "connect to the Horse-Shoe Trail for longer hikes to nearby parks, preserves, and         historic sites." http://www.greenvalleys.org/welkinweir.asp

Monday, November 16, 2009

A SCHOOL TEACHER HAS IDENTIFIED AN OBJECT IN OUTER SPACE THAT NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN/IDENTIFIED.** GALAXY ZOO invites you, the public, to classify a million galaxies!!! Is that exciting or what?

                               Galaxy Zoo invites YOU to help astronomers
                                                   explore the universe.
                             The following link helps you get started. http://www.galaxyzoo.org/ 
WHAT exactly is GALAXY ZOO?

Galaxy Zoo "is a scientific project that has invited members of the public to help classify a million galaxies. Those involved are directly contributing to scientific research, while getting an opportunity to view the beautiful and varied galaxies that inhabit our universe. Why do we need people to do this, rather than just using a computer?".....check it out at  http://www.galaxyzooblog.org/about/ 

                              According to Daniel Goldbloom and I quote: (Galaxy Zoo) "Launched last year by a team of scientists from the U.K. and the U.S., Galaxy Zoo harnesses the curiosity and seemingly endless free time of regular people to make deep space discoveries. The site invites users to browse through images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey a project begun in 2000 that seeks to map a quarter of the sky (or around one million galaxies) — and categorize them according to the different types of galaxies or stars pictured therein.http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fullcomment/archive/2008/08/13/daniel-goldbloom-s-click-here-travel-the-universe-with-galaxyzoo-get-great-stories-at-themoth.aspx

 Galaxy Zoo was featured on APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day)
                                            go to: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap091026.html

**"teacher has identified an object in outer space..." I read the article in a National Geographic magazine last month and loaned it to a friend. (oops) Will update the details about this article when I get the magazine back. If you want to search it out right now, it was posted on Galaxy Zoo but I am not sure what month. (sorry about that)
**today, 11/17/09 looked for article on google; although I did not find the orginal article by Nat.'l Geographic I did find the following reported by: Reuter's: http://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews/idUSN0535229720080805

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sing..."Do a deer, a female deer.... Ray a drop of golden sun......"

Sarah also known as ''Diesel"

Four doe and one 6 point buck taken down by bow in our woods. This is great as we have way too many deer in the area. Now for some of the meat.
The hunter offered us the tongue saying it truly is the best part of the entire deer. Imagine; gross and no way! We asked how to cook it. He said, ''just put it in a crockpot and cook it alllllll day, its great!" LOL. Imagine; gross and no way. Then he proceeded to tell us how to eat it,
"you peel a part of the tongue," etc.
Imagine; gross and NO WAY! You can imagine, we did not take him up on this offer, ha ha ha!


This Wedding Quilt is now complete. If anyone wants the name of a reliable machine quilter in eastern PA write to me. She did a fabulous job.
I love the colors in this quilt.
Above is a picture of Michael and Heather receiving the quilt.