Now is that an interesting title or what? Actually it is part of a ditty used to
cause someone to ''get the chills'' as you recite a number of verses while doing things to a
person's back using one hand and in the end they really do "get the chills." Kids love it.
have been a spider bite; who knows! So I am on my second antibiotic and the infection is still spreading. [forgot to mention yesterday: the first day of the ''scratch/bite" about 3-5pm, I happened to see in the tender area where your elbow bends a bite; it looked like nothing. I woke the next morning, Saturday, with red stripes going up my arm. Now how could I forget to leave that out; kinda significant huh? That afternoon while I was attending an outdoor wedding, approx. 2:30pm, the stripes began to ''grow" and my arm feel weird, So ding! Time to go to the Lancaster Clinic. Yeah, just wanted to add the ''stripes'' to my story. That's all]
Now here is the catch; two catches actually. One, I am allergic to a medicine they would prefer to put me on since the first one didn't effect a change! Ding! Catch two: the doctor says, "don't use your arm much and elevate it alot." Yeah right! It's June in the Northeast and I'm not supposed to use my arm; like who can do that!
Ah! There is a Catch three: today (day 6, June 2nd) the doctor realized it ''is'' getting worse! ahh! and he was not certain what antibiotic to use next. He had two other doctors come in and together the three
came up with three choices not knowing which is best so the original doctor was left
to choose on his own. Now that is comforting. I think intravenous wouldn't be a bad idea
but he doesn't want to do that just yet. Imagine, you go into the hospital for several days
of IV's because of a cat scratch..ding dong. Oh well, just as long as I keep the arm I guess
I would have to go.......................... BUT IT'S JUNE IN THE NORTHEAST!
All the kids can do that; imagine clouds to be objects or animals. Why? Because I lied. Yep, I lied to my children.!!! I decided one day, when I had 2 or 3 kids at the time, to start a lie. We were driving somewhere in the car and I said, "you know, when Nana (my mother) and us kids would ride in the car or lie on the ground and look up we would imagine what a cloud looked like. If it looked like an elephant or dolphin; things like that." My kids of course got all excited and started saying what they saw and if they asked me I made up something, lieing, as I still could not ''see'' or imagine what the cloud(s) looked like. When they said, "Mom, it does not look like that." I always would say, "ohhh yes it does,,,,look!!!" So I finally revealed to them that I could never imagine a cloud to look like anything and lied to them just so they would develop a great imagination.
Well, back to my kitties ''Inkie" and my new kitty. I have allowed the four children to have all sorts of pets in size and shape and so on. Let's see, that would include cats, a dog, guinea pigs, hamsters, goats, rabbits and chickens. Is that all? Not sure. But anyway, I allowed the girls to breed one of the mother cats one more time before having her neutered. Maggie gave birth to 4 cute kitties mid-March. Well, all of sudden when it came time to give them away (8 weeks old) I thought, "you know, maybe I can have my own kitty, why can't I have a kitty for just me." The past year has been...well let me just say..not easy to move through. With that all inside of me I was also churning the thoughts that, ''they say,'' that an animal is sooo therapeutic for a person. So that is why I thought, I want to have one of these be ''my kitty, I need a kitty to love and hug and be with me........and when things are hard,,, and so on."
So Maggie had 3 girls and one boy; the boy is so sweet and was perfect for me!! Another time I will tell you how he got his name Nabisco. Bisco for short. ''My little Biscuit" for just because!! Here is a picture of me and my kitty who loves me when I need some love.....
The last fun thing I want to tell about my kitty is how he has the neatest hair and is furry. The picture I will post will make you laugh. One day I was upstairs playing with the four kittens and Bisco was across the room from me.
The sun was streaming in filtering through all his extra long hairs and this silhouetted his actual body size. He looked like a skinny little thing instead of little rolly polly
fun cute kitty cat.!!! I had to laugh. So of course, yeah, I have to grab my camera!! right? yes. So here is one of the documentations of Bisco's cuteness of life:
Monday, JUNE 6th 2010: The continued saga of ''Cat Scratch, Dog Bite, Cool Breeze":
First I want to share baby pictures of my kitty Nabisco and his sisters. Above is Nabisco at 3-4 weeks. Below are Bisco's siblings. From Left to Right they are: Lilly, taken by cousin Rosemary and family; BISCO THE BEST KITTY; Lucy, taken by close friends the Riggs; and Pip taken by Michael's good friend Tim.
I really wanted to add this last picture to the right. I know its rather dark but Nabisco misses his sisters very much and so needs extra TLC! I grow catnip in my gardens so I need to make him some toys. He really likes the bell and breathmint I put in an old plastic thermometer case; the rattling drives him coo coo. Bisco has recently begun to wake me in the morning since I have been not well with my arm! He comes and rubs my face and then waits till I wiggle my fingers or toes so he can pounce A LOT! Then, I pretend to be asleep and it starts all over with him rubbing my face. Because I am so sleepy from this escapade I put together some papers and yarn which drive him crazy to play with in bed while I snooze; and he loves my empty Claritin D wrappers; they crinkle. Bisco loves things to crinkle. I wonder what would happen if I crinkled my nose at him?
So, the end of the story on the arm: the new antibiotic kicked in finally and after a little over a week I think my arm is going to recover and NO IV treatment, yeah! I should have taken a picture of my arm. It really did not look pretty...and I am not talking about ''beauty'' here but as in ''nasty." the end.
PS: now its just remembering to take the every 6 hour medicine; forgot once already and the arm started to go backward...oops!
cause someone to ''get the chills'' as you recite a number of verses while doing things to a
person's back using one hand and in the end they really do "get the chills." Kids love it.
For six days my left arm has been badly infected, I believe, from a cat scratch. Now it couldhave been a spider bite; who knows! So I am on my second antibiotic and the infection is still spreading. [forgot to mention yesterday: the first day of the ''scratch/bite" about 3-5pm, I happened to see in the tender area where your elbow bends a bite; it looked like nothing. I woke the next morning, Saturday, with red stripes going up my arm. Now how could I forget to leave that out; kinda significant huh? That afternoon while I was attending an outdoor wedding, approx. 2:30pm, the stripes began to ''grow" and my arm feel weird, So ding! Time to go to the Lancaster Clinic. Yeah, just wanted to add the ''stripes'' to my story. That's all]
Now here is the catch; two catches actually. One, I am allergic to a medicine they would prefer to put me on since the first one didn't effect a change! Ding! Catch two: the doctor says, "don't use your arm much and elevate it alot." Yeah right! It's June in the Northeast and I'm not supposed to use my arm; like who can do that!
Ah! There is a Catch three: today (day 6, June 2nd) the doctor realized it ''is'' getting worse! ahh! and he was not certain what antibiotic to use next. He had two other doctors come in and together the three
came up with three choices not knowing which is best so the original doctor was left
to choose on his own. Now that is comforting. I think intravenous wouldn't be a bad idea
but he doesn't want to do that just yet. Imagine, you go into the hospital for several days
of IV's because of a cat scratch..ding dong. Oh well, just as long as I keep the arm I guess
I would have to go.......................... BUT IT'S JUNE IN THE NORTHEAST!
I wanted to publish a picture of MY KITTY CAT,,aka the emphasis on ''my"!!!! When I was a little girl in South Jersey I had 3 little kitties at 3 different times. They were all completely black. Each kitty I named "Inkie." Yeah, don't laugh; I have never held any talent with naming animals!!! My one son took after me I realized immediately when he proudly announced the name for his first rabbit, ''Bun Bun." Oh wow, the poor kid. Fortunately he did not inherit the inability to see imaginative things in the clouds.!!!!All the kids can do that; imagine clouds to be objects or animals. Why? Because I lied. Yep, I lied to my children.!!! I decided one day, when I had 2 or 3 kids at the time, to start a lie. We were driving somewhere in the car and I said, "you know, when Nana (my mother) and us kids would ride in the car or lie on the ground and look up we would imagine what a cloud looked like. If it looked like an elephant or dolphin; things like that." My kids of course got all excited and started saying what they saw and if they asked me I made up something, lieing, as I still could not ''see'' or imagine what the cloud(s) looked like. When they said, "Mom, it does not look like that." I always would say, "ohhh yes it does,,,,look!!!" So I finally revealed to them that I could never imagine a cloud to look like anything and lied to them just so they would develop a great imagination.
Well, back to my kitties ''Inkie" and my new kitty. I have allowed the four children to have all sorts of pets in size and shape and so on. Let's see, that would include cats, a dog, guinea pigs, hamsters, goats, rabbits and chickens. Is that all? Not sure. But anyway, I allowed the girls to breed one of the mother cats one more time before having her neutered. Maggie gave birth to 4 cute kitties mid-March. Well, all of sudden when it came time to give them away (8 weeks old) I thought, "you know, maybe I can have my own kitty, why can't I have a kitty for just me." The past year has been...well let me just say..not easy to move through. With that all inside of me I was also churning the thoughts that, ''they say,'' that an animal is sooo therapeutic for a person. So that is why I thought, I want to have one of these be ''my kitty, I need a kitty to love and hug and be with me........and when things are hard,,, and so on."
So Maggie had 3 girls and one boy; the boy is so sweet and was perfect for me!! Another time I will tell you how he got his name Nabisco. Bisco for short. ''My little Biscuit" for just because!! Here is a picture of me and my kitty who loves me when I need some love.....
The last fun thing I want to tell about my kitty is how he has the neatest hair and is furry. The picture I will post will make you laugh. One day I was upstairs playing with the four kittens and Bisco was across the room from me.
The sun was streaming in filtering through all his extra long hairs and this silhouetted his actual body size. He looked like a skinny little thing instead of little rolly polly
fun cute kitty cat.!!! I had to laugh. So of course, yeah, I have to grab my camera!! right? yes. So here is one of the documentations of Bisco's cuteness of life:
Monday, JUNE 6th 2010: The continued saga of ''Cat Scratch, Dog Bite, Cool Breeze":
First I want to share baby pictures of my kitty Nabisco and his sisters. Above is Nabisco at 3-4 weeks. Below are Bisco's siblings. From Left to Right they are: Lilly, taken by cousin Rosemary and family; BISCO THE BEST KITTY; Lucy, taken by close friends the Riggs; and Pip taken by Michael's good friend Tim.
So, the end of the story on the arm: the new antibiotic kicked in finally and after a little over a week I think my arm is going to recover and NO IV treatment, yeah! I should have taken a picture of my arm. It really did not look pretty...and I am not talking about ''beauty'' here but as in ''nasty." the end.
PS: now its just remembering to take the every 6 hour medicine; forgot once already and the arm started to go backward...oops!