Tuesday, October 5, 2010


September is our birthday month. My sister and I are Irish twins; for two days we are the same age. My birthday is very special to me because Mom always made a big deal. Breakfast in bed is how our day started. We got to choose what we wanted for breakfast and dinner. Now isn't that a thoughtful Mommy?

We also had scavenger hunts sometimes for our gift. Get it gift. Today we give too many gifts and too costly of gifts. Simple is often the better way to go; especially homemade gifts taylored to the individual. Mom made us dresses. I remember one dress I really loved. It had puffy sleeves. The sleeves were short and had elastic around the bottom to gather and puff the sleeve. The dress was blue with rick rack for trimming. I wore this dress in 9th grade. I wore it everywhere. Anyway, she made us girls dresses and doll clothes, our curtains, and stuffed animals. I still have the pink large hippopotamus Mom made. It was my "huggable lovey doo" animal from 9th grade to college. I slept with him every night and talked to him about many things during my growing up time.

Anyway back to our birthdays, Hannah"s and mine. We celebrated with a lunch at (oh my what is it called?) It is something like Kung Pou or Ping...it is the restaraunt that has two huge horses out front along Rt. 1 and Rt. 322. How's that. Ding! Well, we sat all day and had a very nice time. Mom would have loved it too. Hannah is an artist; and, artist's always give interesting ''stretching/outside the box" gifts to their sisters. Did you know that? It has been the cause for some laughter and major hilarity. (a story to be told another day on one specific gift many moons ago that could have caused a car accident; we did live through it, just so you know!!)
Above is the picture of the surprise birthday gift, unable to be wrapped because of its unusual shape..ahemm. What is in there? Well, below is a picture of what she gave me. ''For your Library Suzie!" she says.
Now what in the world is that you say? Well, I am always nervous, isn't that silly (?) but true, when opening a gift from Hannah. It can be dangerous. So I take one glance at it after having opened it and I register ''horse." And I think this time it IS A COOL FUN gift.  I can adjust the neck and legs and position the horse anyway I want. Notice he is drinking from a water glass. Well, what a roar! It took me about 5 minutes before I realized it was
A GIRAFFE and NOT A HORSE! Man, ding dong.! We laughed and laughed. I do like it and have it  
now seated on a high piece of furniture with him appearing to be eating from a real plant. Of course there will be days where I will have to change his position and see if anybody notices. No one will notice; that I do know. Oh well. I will, and that is the fun part. Here is a better view of MY GIRAFFE & LUNCH: Now how in the world could I have registered: ''horse?" 

Eating outside is wonderful, isn't?
Well, after much chatter, sharing of tears about the really hard things in our life and just being ''together,'' we hugged and parted. She to New Jersey, me back to my home. So now we are 56 and 57.  ---the end.

PS: just remembered I did not ''reveal'' my gift to Hannah! Well, let me upload it: simple but nice: a fan from Ecuador for the hot days on her back porch at our parents home: (many memories on the porch).

Hannah has the most beautiful green eyes. Mine are a pale washed out blue. Doesn't Hannah look fun? She always wore green and I wore blue.
Sometimes we would pick out the same item from a clothing rack without the other aware of what we were doing, at the same moment. Her choice would be green and mine would be blue.

Al Qeada, radical Shiite clergy, Muslim Brotherhood, ......

"Israel is not the problem. Israel is, on the contrary, our first line of defense."   On Monday morning we were greeted with the news that the State Department has issued a new advisory on travel to Europe... (read more)....http://www.cufi.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Brogs_blog

I don't know if the link will work for you...this article also helped me in sorting out some of the different groups/persons involved in terrorism. Great Blog.