Something was different about today: are you ever in a more pensive, melancholy mood
than usual? sure, who isn't. thoughts:
If I could touch the moon from this small patch of earth where I live and toil; and,
if another could touch the moon from their small patch of earth where they live and toil.
Write a story;''if'' I was creative enough for such a thing. I admire creative writers.
The Owl and the Pussycat poem; they sailed away under the moon on the sea...what if they could have touched the moon? And, when the author wrote their story..why did he put together these two - an odd combination,......hmmm...isn't that what makes for a fabulous story? The coming together of. These two would not seem to be a pair but the author places them together and it's a perfect fit.
When I stare at the moon there has to be at least one other person staring at the moon, right? Or, several thousand or million? This same moon: Napoleon, the Disciples of Christ, unknown tribes of today, Socrates (was he Greek), slaves of the south escaping to the north navigated by, etc...all looked/are looking at the same moon, right? Did you ever think about that? The moon, what is it that
fascinates us about the moon; its beauty, fullness...and there are romantic stories that go along with the moon; stories around fires...and on and on. Yeah, what is that song,,,''dancing in the moonlight..."
ps: I missed once again this year Isaac's birthday wish (yesterday) <Happy Birthday To You>
will post what I made you! I always tell what mistakes I made on something or apologize for it; why is that? BUT, this once is it okay if I brag and say... I did a GREAT JOB on Isaac's gifts...of course with my new Artista 730 Bernina (a splurge...eeeehhh). Who couldn't.
TWO-SIDED Toddler APRON (my own pattern)
Apron: playing kitchen, art/painting, etc.

- Elastic in neck strap grows with child.
- 3 pockets on front: Isaac side
- 2 pockets reverse side
-posting another day: designed/made
mixing bowl and hand mitt that coordinate with the apron. Tools? just
pull from your drawer!
than usual? sure, who isn't. thoughts:
If I could touch the moon from this small patch of earth where I live and toil; and,
if another could touch the moon from their small patch of earth where they live and toil.
Write a story;''if'' I was creative enough for such a thing. I admire creative writers.
The Owl and the Pussycat poem; they sailed away under the moon on the sea...what if they could have touched the moon? And, when the author wrote their story..why did he put together these two - an odd combination,......hmmm...isn't that what makes for a fabulous story? The coming together of. These two would not seem to be a pair but the author places them together and it's a perfect fit.
When I stare at the moon there has to be at least one other person staring at the moon, right? Or, several thousand or million? This same moon: Napoleon, the Disciples of Christ, unknown tribes of today, Socrates (was he Greek), slaves of the south escaping to the north navigated by, etc...all looked/are looking at the same moon, right? Did you ever think about that? The moon, what is it that
fascinates us about the moon; its beauty, fullness...and there are romantic stories that go along with the moon; stories around fires...and on and on. Yeah, what is that song,,,''dancing in the moonlight..."
ps: I missed once again this year Isaac's birthday wish (yesterday) <Happy Birthday To You>
will post what I made you! I always tell what mistakes I made on something or apologize for it; why is that? BUT, this once is it okay if I brag and say... I did a GREAT JOB on Isaac's gifts...of course with my new Artista 730 Bernina (a splurge...eeeehhh). Who couldn't.
TWO-SIDED Toddler APRON (my own pattern)
Apron: playing kitchen, art/painting, etc.
- waterproof liner.
- Velcro ties and neck strap for independence.
- 3 pockets on front: Isaac side
- 2 pockets reverse side
-posting another day: designed/made
mixing bowl and hand mitt that coordinate with the apron. Tools? just
pull from your drawer!