Saturday, June 30, 2012

Watercolor: Double Impatients

-for my guy, son Jonathan 
(okay, now that i look at it needs more bright color in upper left..this
is a joke..i was trying to sweep color through the picture and looks arghhhhhh dumb…
oh well, that is how we learn, right? the background isn't bad though. so yeah.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Daughter, A New Son: They're Wed!


        JUNE 2nd, 2012
The Inn at Whitewing Farm

    A cello, 
   A harpist,
A setting so bright,
Sound and scent apple blossoms, this breeze,
        It's just right!
                                        Mother's are waiting,
                                 With sons and grandsons.

Flower girl "Ella" with Ring-bearing ''Isaac," wait                                                                           for their entrance - but First comes his ''mommy," It's daughter-in-law

Sarah, Maid of Honor, sister of the Bride, loving and beautiful, sweetly she glides.  
                                                                              And now comes the time for the children
to enter,
    Daddy makes certain that all is together!
                                                                      Groomsmen and Best Man look on with wide smiles,
                                                                         supporting the Groom as he waits for his Bride!  

  The Harp strikes its note, the Bride takes her stand, atop of the stairs looking down at her Man!

Proud Father, so careful, guides His Daughter down the stairs, Arm in arm  tender words &  laughter exchanged; twenty-four years meeting as one descending those stairs.
Overwhelming tears, the Groom is in awe, the magnitude of this gift; Christ and His Bride! Is this not what the occasion then mirrors for us?

The setting,    how gorgeous,   flowers in bloom,    the "poofs" Johanna's made,   -perfectly strewn.  

(more to come…)