Thursday, November 29, 2012

MICRO-PREMIE: 1988: 3 1/2 months early: A MIRACLE

 BORN: August 7, 1988     2lbs. 11 ozs.                                        DUE: November 24-27th
Here she is, 2 or 3 weeks old, perhaps 4? Her four long skinny fingers wrapped over my first digit only. Her arms were the same circumference as my pointer finger; her legs like my pinkie…and I have long thin fingers. A long straight nose, it looks like mine! Not her birth hair, no nipples or nails..a struggle for survival for the next 3 or more months!!! The chances she'd be blind, have lung problems, developmental disabilities and/or, Cerebral Palsy, Retardation; or, perhaps dead. A roller coaster--"it will be a ride" the doctors tell us; prayer on our side.
(African-American girls the strongest for survival…and last, Caucasian boys)

Four weeks for sure by now or 5, she's permitted out of bed and I can hold her! Her fingers appear to cover a larger area? Other children are there but the curtain is drawn; their struggle is over, the parents just begun.

They try her on some breast milk around 7 or 8 weeks but she cannot tolerate it. It was not even a drop; if it were continued her intestine would develop necrosis-more complications.

She grows to 5lbs. 1 oz. but is still on a machine; insurance forces her home and the doctors fought to keep her. So home on machines and stuffed in a stocking; her family really loves her and cares around the clock.

By ONE: she's become a MIRACLE: all systems seem GO! But mommy's a therapist so we work head to toe. Tactile and visual, auditory too, is this why God had be become an Occupational Therapist after all this time? Of course having 3 siblings helped welcome her to the world of activity, NOISE!

(to be continued)

Words: Are They Necessary?

I 'd love to take flight over the ocean,
Eyes closed with heart opened
On the waves of the sea.
I'd love to rest peaceful and lap up the sun,
Listen, taste salty
The calm of the sea.
To be happy and bobbing, laughing and calling
Ocean birds as they wing-
                                                Wispy sprays of the sea.                                  -Suzie

Can you see upon the water
Restive hues,  reflective color,
Hints of day,  its busy waders?
Yet my eyes draw up and yonder
breathe of life where heart stands still,
                                  the what, 
the how, the when and why?                     -suzie

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Obama and the Burden of History by Myron Magnet - City Journal

Obama and the Burden of History by Myron Magnet - City Journal
          read:  "Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World" by Dr. D. Jeremiah
Pray for our country, pray for our leaders, pray for your children's children, pray
for our neighbors - India, Africa, Europe, Asia…..the world in which we live.