This time of year I particularly enjoy cutting individual flowers, fern, hosta leaves and arranging them in a variety of vases, etc. as most will soon be gone!
The Garden Club has a contest/challenge each year;
submit a flower arrangement no larger than 4"x6" including the container. Two winners are selected. They actually chose my arrangement as a winner! The photo is a little blurry. Arranging it was a challenge. I was kneeling on the ground and Rufus, a kitty cat, kept crawling up on my shoulders to sit a spell. He likes being up high. Sometimes he sits on the back rim of my hat when I am weeding or plays with the my hands and the weeds. Isn't that fun; there is lots of laughter that takes place during these escapades!
The last 3 photos are other arrangements I made for fun...they are ok to me; the plant material was heavy because of all the rain we have been having so they do not stand upright as I would like. The hosta leaves in the yard are already drooping, browning out and filled with holes so it was difficult to find great leaves; and, I have tons and tons of hosta! Oh well, got to get to them earlier next year. The other two arrangements are very small water gardens; I love water. I love being anywhere near, in or on water!!!