What a spectacle of birds viewed on our 5.5 acre property. Here are a few: will post more as I catch up with past photos. The EASTERN SCREECH OWL, in a poplar more than 100 yards away/70 feet up from my deck, taken Nov. 30th, 2008. Beautiful.The peacock appeared one fine day in 2006. Our son, Michael, was attempting to nap in a hammock and ''thought he saw a peacock fly over his head onto the roof!" Well, he was right. After finding the lowest spot on the roof the peacock flew to the ground and Frisk (or aptly named cat,"Tubbs") pounced; the peacock took flight to a nearby poplar approx. 60 feet up remaining through sunset. His colors became most radiant with the setting sun!!! This is our second peacock come to visit.The nest below was found by our daughter Johanna; it is on the ground among Solomon Seal. All the babies survived and we had one cat at the time. Had all four cats still been with us I don't think they would have made it.

The nest to the right I found in a Japanese Pine in the Pinetum below eye level early spring 08'.
The pot below is home to 3 baby Vireo's. The hilarious part of this story: We placed a pot hoping that birds would not build a nest on the ledge to avoid bird doo on the deck. So, my husband placed the pot but did not put it upside down, voila, baby birds; and, we watched them take wing. This has been for two summers now, three sets of fledglings. I know I have a better pic somewhere: will exchange this one when its found.
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