Friday, April 2, 2010


Today, April 2nd, would be Aunt Amy's 51st birthday. Just want to reminisce and enjoy the neat things that were "Amy." that's all. Maybe I will write about her one day and add it right here. Miss you Aim.
APRIL 16th, 2010
Everybody is gone and I am sitting just thinking about my family and I remembered this little scene about Amy.
I am going to call the story              "FAT A GYOU"
Hannah and I shared a bedroom all the time growing up. When Amy came along Mom gave her a room all to herself. Well, everyone once in a while I would sleep with Amy in her double bed. We would talk and laugh and giggle before falling asleep. Amy was 4 1/2 years younger than me. 
Well, I would read story books to Amy and she learned to read some because of those times. She would watch the words as I read. An aside to this story that I tell is funny. Here I was teaching her how to read and she ended up being so much smarter than me and gifted in areas I was not. She was a brain; brother Jack got brains too. Sometimes I thought it was better not to be so brainy because they seemed to struggle with some areas that I didn't but who cares. That isn't meaningful to this story. So yeah, on with the story. 

I was reading a book to Amy; I don't recall which book. As I was rambling right through a sentence she stopped me and said to go back. ''Go back to what?" I said. 
"That word," said Amy. 
"What word?"
"That's not how you say it," said Amy. 
"What word?"
"That one," she said. And she pointed.

Well, we got to giggling as I said the word for her; the word was ''fatigue." She said very sternly and seriously, ''that isn't how you say it!" And I said ''YES IT IS!" smiling with wit. So on and on it went and we were laughing. She didn't believe me and I tried to convince her and then I said, "well, how would you pronounce it?" And, Amy said, "Fat-eh-gyou." Well, did I crack up; and she got to rolling in laughter...and on and on it went.

Amy and I had tons of fun as little kids. She was so cute and a happy child.

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