Monday, October 10, 2011


 is your CAMERA READY & in a CONVENIENT location?
                                        (EASY ACCESS AT THE DROP OF A HAT?)  
               - battery, no..... BATTERIES CHARGED!!
                        - sufficient CF card & previous photos downloaded/backed-up then deleted
                                - (optional): tripod stand and/or stick
                                       -(optional) HD video/ still camera on hand
                                            -clean lense

This is one of those shots I could not believe I got!
AKA: anticipated his next move - the camera is
always in the room where he plays just an arm length away.

Isaac rolled under here for a split second, peeked at me
and immediately rolled out. I DIDN'T THINK I GOT

learn to see colors within colors; parts of wholes; shapes within objects; angles & perspective; "anticipate" for example,  the flight of a bird; relax and enjoy the process.....etc. etc.
     -willingness to bend, lie down, whatever it takes....dirt/wind/rain.. doesn't matter
           -playful, fun, serious, time doesn't matter, patience, get the idea.
                - never get discouraged, play with your camera and just enjoy the taking
                    -adventurous spirit 
                              -ITS NOT ABOUT YOU but everything OUT THERE

AND MY WORST NIGHTMARE? IS, FORGETTING TO TURN IT ON!!! AND I MISS THE, do you know how many times I do it immediately laughing at''turn it on Suzie, dahhh"


Thursday, October 6, 2011


What is a second, I thought last night
when I couldn't sleep a wink?
     A clap of the hands,
          the blink of an eye,
               or a bird taking flight on wing?

“Can one second” I'm here, the next I be gone
without a clap or a blink?
     “Assuredly” I KNEW
          “in less than a wink,
               with Christ Jesus, I would be home.” 

What made me think, these random thoughts
as I lay on my bed in the dark?
     Last night in the news,
          the death of a man,
               headlining national news.

Whether moments or seconds, I thought last night
when he passed with his final breathe,
     “His spirit took flight,
          his body lay still
               just a man, headlining national news.”

Where has he gone, I thought last night
when I couldn't sleep a wink?
     "Assuredly, I don't know
          in less than this blink,
               with Christ Jesus, is this man home?"

Well, here it is MORNING ALREADY. It seems no sooner I closed my eyes after writing those words
and a new day dawned. Everyone is going about what they do or don't do. This man is no longer here along with billions of others. "They" say, 150,000 babies are born each day (2011).

Many of you have heard of Job in the Bible and/or read about ''vanity of vanities'' from the Ecclesiastical book.  Perhaps you have heard yourself say/think:
                                                               "why bother"
                          "is this worth it?"                                         "what's the use.."
                                                               "I'm bored..."     
                              you fill it in  "_______________________________"

...I  am asking, .WHERE does YOUR spirit go in that second or less at death? 
                 WHAT HAPPENS to the part of you that makes you YOU?

I could never really say before age 30. But now most assuredly I KNOW

How do I express that?...........................,,,I know what I know what I know.....

that "neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, north depth, nor any other created things will be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.."
who died for me on the cross, shedding his own blood for my soul. Through that act He paid the price (the debt) for my sins by his death and resurrection (conquering death once and ''for all".) AND FOR ALL people -that is you.

 Assuredly and unashamedly, I say in great joy, that Christ, the Lord will take me home at my final breath! How did I come to know that I know what I know I know?
I sought after God with all my heart, talking to Him whether He really was there or not;  cause I wanted to know, I had to know; I was compelled to know; I was tired of not knowing.......... and HE ANSWERED. It didn't happen all at took TIME,....

So yes, this is written at the death of Steve Jobs obviously, b/c of the date written. But its not about Steve Jobs; 
                                            its about YOU 
----where does your YOU go at the moment of death? Not a popular topic but it will come.  

----what will be your thoughts?   You can say:

                                        'oh I won't care because I'll be gone..."  and then laugh or say,    
                      ''this is all there is..." and flatly move on to......whatever is next in your day.

              Steve Jobs knows what is after.....and he can't change his choice on the subject.

                                        TO NOT DECIDE IS TO DECIDE!