How can I go a whole month without putting something up. That really isn't a question. Life throws curveballs. I don't know an individual who has not had difficult times in his/her life.
With that in mind I realize I am not perfect, no one is perfect, only Christ; so why are we surprised when others hurt us, abandon us, forget, use us for their gain,,,,etc. Then there are promises... My hope is that I do not do that; but then, I am not perfect and unknowingly hurt others. Wouldn't it be nice if others overlooked our quirks as much as we would like to think we overlook theirs? What about showing mercy and grace; what about flexibility? What about love; the love that receives us just as we are? The answers are in God's Word. Sure the Bible doesn't give us chemical formulae, the entire historical record, or tell us who we will marry, etc. But, it does tell us everything we need to known in order to live with the joys and sorrows of this life. Some of the answers contained in the Bible are rather hard to hear but it is truth that guides, confirms, confronts, comforts (not always),…and we grow. This doesn't mean we will be ''happy." Happy is not why God put us here. Can we hope to be happy? Sure. That is not the issue. 1) What can we hope for? and, 2) The big question is ''what is the chief end of man?" What is my chief end? I want to deal with that first:
Well, that depends who you ask; the answers are a kaleidoscope. There is only one answer: To love the Lord and enjoy Him forever (for brevity I'll leave it at that) When I/you get a grip, so to speak, on this therein lies contentment….as Paul says, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength..." Philippians 4

now take that in…no matter what I/you are doing, love the Lord in it and enjoy Him in it. He wants us to enjoy the gifts he has given us but He is center stage in those ''things." Quote from scripture.. "all good gifts come from heaven thank the Lord.." as an example.
Whether in want or in plenty, whether hunger or well-fed, whether struck down or flying on a kite Love the Lord and enjoy who He is giving thanks and praise. But how can we do that?
Only by knowing Him. And "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."
So what is the Word of God? The Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But, so many people would rather pick up a different book than ''that book." I'm guilty! Why put off what we know will guide, protect, help, comfort, encourage, give insight etc.? Because I am afraid of what it will say to me sometimes because it isn't what I want to hear!! At least not today. I want what I want and I want what I wanted. Thus, I delay what really ''I know" I should do. What I want to do. Scripture says, (paraphrased) ''why do I do what I don't want to do and don't do what I ought to do?"
It is the nature of man. It is my nature.
Thanks be to God who does not give up on me but has promised to pursue me and love me even when I have wandered far off; even when I am ugly. "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. He does not always treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities. As high as the heavens are above the earth so great is His love for us…" Psalm 103
"Lord, make it so. That I can be your compassion, grace and mercy, being slow
to anger, abounding in love, no matter how I have been treated or will be treated."
With that in mind I realize I am not perfect, no one is perfect, only Christ; so why are we surprised when others hurt us, abandon us, forget, use us for their gain,,,,etc. Then there are promises... My hope is that I do not do that; but then, I am not perfect and unknowingly hurt others. Wouldn't it be nice if others overlooked our quirks as much as we would like to think we overlook theirs? What about showing mercy and grace; what about flexibility? What about love; the love that receives us just as we are? The answers are in God's Word. Sure the Bible doesn't give us chemical formulae, the entire historical record, or tell us who we will marry, etc. But, it does tell us everything we need to known in order to live with the joys and sorrows of this life. Some of the answers contained in the Bible are rather hard to hear but it is truth that guides, confirms, confronts, comforts (not always),…and we grow. This doesn't mean we will be ''happy." Happy is not why God put us here. Can we hope to be happy? Sure. That is not the issue. 1) What can we hope for? and, 2) The big question is ''what is the chief end of man?" What is my chief end? I want to deal with that first:
Well, that depends who you ask; the answers are a kaleidoscope. There is only one answer: To love the Lord and enjoy Him forever (for brevity I'll leave it at that) When I/you get a grip, so to speak, on this therein lies contentment….as Paul says, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength..." Philippians 4
now take that in…no matter what I/you are doing, love the Lord in it and enjoy Him in it. He wants us to enjoy the gifts he has given us but He is center stage in those ''things." Quote from scripture.. "all good gifts come from heaven thank the Lord.." as an example.
Whether in want or in plenty, whether hunger or well-fed, whether struck down or flying on a kite Love the Lord and enjoy who He is giving thanks and praise. But how can we do that?
Only by knowing Him. And "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."
Thanks be to God who does not give up on me but has promised to pursue me and love me even when I have wandered far off; even when I am ugly. "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. He does not always treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities. As high as the heavens are above the earth so great is His love for us…" Psalm 103
"Lord, make it so. That I can be your compassion, grace and mercy, being slow
to anger, abounding in love, no matter how I have been treated or will be treated."
Love you Farm! Thanks for sharing! <3
Life is simple, but not always easy. Life is simple, mankind is not.
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