Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Definition of FOOL (Webster's): 1 : a person lacking in judgment or prudence
2 a : a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley with cap, bells, and bauble b : one who is victimized or made to appear foolish : dupe
3 a : a harmlessly deranged person or one lacking in common powers of understanding b : one with a marked propensity or fondness for something
4 : a cold
dessert of pureed fruit mixed with whipped cream or custard

These definitions seem to be across the board; very different from one another. Chapters could be written about each point.

I am told I can act foolhardy (synonym: adventurous and or rash). I would like to think that I am very adventuresome and that I add a tad of rashness to that at times, without even giving it a thought! But to be made to feel that you are a foolish person (be duped) or, be victimized, is not fun, is it? Personally? I would not put those two descriptions of ''fool'' in the same sentence. They mean very different things to me: ''made to appear foolish'' versus ''victimized."  (I remember many times hearing, ''what did you do that for?"..and other things...those times are not fun are they? Or to trust yourself over to someone and they appear to be using you temporarily for their own gain or for whatever reason?)

I used to be and would like to be once again, a ''dancing fool''; that is to say, actually dancing often for expression of joy and life and laughter. But where is there to dance anymore but ones own home? I used to dance all the time or just move to music, choreograph my own dances, listen to music, play the flute, put on records (oops that gives away my age; records were 45's; and, I have now found a whole small suitcase besides the medium stack of 45's I knew I had!!!) Got to one day in the summer put those on and my daughter's and I will wear out the deck with foot stomping fun.
My prudent decision to take piano and take it seriously has been extraordinary!

I am not a fool for candy but chocolate, dark chocolate is rather nice! And food? Well, I just am a fool for all kinds of food! 

I am fool for gardening, gardens, nature walks, hot air balloon rides, driving down an unknown road to be surprised by what will be there. So many things outdoors but I won't bore you. A fool for water and ''a cool breeze blowing through my hair like a peppermint patty!!" (remember those commercials?) A fool for watching animals (safari's) and sometimes certain birds. A fool for color and curiosity....and so on and so on......

I do not know what that dessert is that Webster's defines as ''Fool: a cold dessert of pureed fruit mixed with whipped cream or custard," but will check that out later and report back tomorrow, APRIL FOOL'S DAY, if I am able.

Be a fool for someone else and have a lot of fun bringing joy into their life focusing not on yourself but the other person; help them learn to laugh and love and enjoy one day at a time......suzzie

April 2, 2010
I looked up the dessert ''Fool." This is what I found. Thought it best to just copy and paste the information for those of you who want to know more about this dessert.

Fool or Foole

"The mind races through the numerous allusions made to fools, from the fool that accompanied King Lear on his howling journey across the moors to the more modern blunderer plaintively asking "What Kind of Fool Am I." But the name of this gossamer dessert comes from the French word foulé meaning pressed or crushed, and refers to the combination of crushed fruits and thick cream. It is a dish that is sublime in its simplicity.
The British countryside is a paradise for berry lovers. It offers gooseberries, red currants, strawberries, raspberries. One can even sing "here we go round the mulberry tree" while plucking the small, blackberry-like fruit. Any of these fruits might have been used to make fools.
This simple dish, so refreshing on a summer's day, might find its modern equivalent in popularity to the omnipresent 'yogurt with fruit on bottom,' though no artificially sweetened yogurt can compare to fresh crushed fruit and cream. The fool is also the beginning of ice cream, a dish that required refrigeration to arrive at the status it holds today as summer's favorite dessert."

So basically Fruit fool is a classic British dessert, dated as early back as the 16th century. It is a mixture of sweetened fruit puree, whipped cream and whipped egg whites. It is usually enjoyed when fresh fruits are in seasons.
Bon appetit !

Monday, March 22, 2010

MARCH 8, 2010

MARCH 8, 2010 our first grandchild is born; a boy of course. Ensslen's produce heirs; and we had two girls? Isaac was 8lbs. 5ozs. and 20 inches long; his daddy, Michael,  was 9lbs. and 21 inches long. Both babies were breech; web says if one child is breech chances are his children may be breech; interesting.

                                                         ISAAC MICHAEL ENSSLEN
                                                                 March 8, 2010
                                                        (due: 13th: C-section/complications)
Man this website is not cooperating; doesn't let me move things where I want them today. And where did this underlining feature come from; can't get rid of it?

WOW everyone with my wiggles and giggles. As you can 
see, Nana, my grandmommy on Daddy's side made the 
monkey announcing my entrance into this world! Notice
she didn't get to finish making my name in dark letters 
because I was impatient and wanted to nurse. My needs
are top priority you know; food, yummmmmmy. "

"So what do you think of this picture of MY DADDY AND ME taking a nap together; we fit like a hand in a glove; WE do! Daddy thinks he's a big man; well just you wait DADDY, I am going to be bigger than 6 foot 4'',,,you just wait Henry just wait!!! I look cute don't you think?"
There is one more picture of me smiling but Nana can't seem to upload it. It says it is in Jpeg format but she doesn't know how to use the computer very well. I will have to teach her another day about computers and uploading. Then you will get to see my smile that will WOW you as well." 

"So, I am home now in Strasburg and a very happy baby. I love my doggie Bailey; she wants to lick me and save Mommy and Daddy from bathtime but they won't let that happen; this disappoints me. Just think, my first disappointment in life! 

"Well, so life begins for me with these two amazing parents who have hugged me till I can't be hugged anymore; squeezed me like an orange for juice and kissed like no one has ever been kissed.!! I am going to take my nap now and will Wow you another day with more news. Goodnight" love, Isaac Michael

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Things Are Not Always As They Seem

This photo was taken in 2008 or 09'. Which photo
is the orginal; that is, which is right-side up? Is the scene of sky or water? Manipulate the photo vertical as well. How do you look and observe what is around you?

Are things always as they seem? Sometimes we see clearly and other times but a dim reflection. Sometimes we see as face to face and other times, never at all.                            

In the 90's I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a long African safari in Tanzania, Kenya and Zimbabwe with my mother, two sisters and a neice. I got to the point where I could spot a leopard and cheetah before our private guide; it was wonderful. No longer do I look at the ground when walking. Once in a ''blue moon" I realize I'm looking down at the ground and immediately catch myself; it is too beautiful to miss what is around me no matter the season.Watch other people as you are walking and notice how many people just look at the ground when walking [(smiley face :) ]. We are creatures of habit. Spring is ''springing up'' and that means all kinds of ephemerals will be popping their little heads up from the ground. The birds are already making tons of chatter and the peepers are up for the first time. Here in Glenmoore, ''they say", you know those people who know everything (ha ha ha) ''they say," "that the third time the peepers come up and chatter that spring is finally here." Well, right now the peepers are so loud from the pond you can hear them through the windows!! Just a few more weeks.!!!

So next I will have to publish the song my mother always sang to us in the spring! She was always singing.