Monday, March 22, 2010

MARCH 8, 2010

MARCH 8, 2010 our first grandchild is born; a boy of course. Ensslen's produce heirs; and we had two girls? Isaac was 8lbs. 5ozs. and 20 inches long; his daddy, Michael,  was 9lbs. and 21 inches long. Both babies were breech; web says if one child is breech chances are his children may be breech; interesting.

                                                         ISAAC MICHAEL ENSSLEN
                                                                 March 8, 2010
                                                        (due: 13th: C-section/complications)
Man this website is not cooperating; doesn't let me move things where I want them today. And where did this underlining feature come from; can't get rid of it?

WOW everyone with my wiggles and giggles. As you can 
see, Nana, my grandmommy on Daddy's side made the 
monkey announcing my entrance into this world! Notice
she didn't get to finish making my name in dark letters 
because I was impatient and wanted to nurse. My needs
are top priority you know; food, yummmmmmy. "

"So what do you think of this picture of MY DADDY AND ME taking a nap together; we fit like a hand in a glove; WE do! Daddy thinks he's a big man; well just you wait DADDY, I am going to be bigger than 6 foot 4'',,,you just wait Henry just wait!!! I look cute don't you think?"
There is one more picture of me smiling but Nana can't seem to upload it. It says it is in Jpeg format but she doesn't know how to use the computer very well. I will have to teach her another day about computers and uploading. Then you will get to see my smile that will WOW you as well." 

"So, I am home now in Strasburg and a very happy baby. I love my doggie Bailey; she wants to lick me and save Mommy and Daddy from bathtime but they won't let that happen; this disappoints me. Just think, my first disappointment in life! 

"Well, so life begins for me with these two amazing parents who have hugged me till I can't be hugged anymore; squeezed me like an orange for juice and kissed like no one has ever been kissed.!! I am going to take my nap now and will Wow you another day with more news. Goodnight" love, Isaac Michael

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