Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Things Are Not Always As They Seem

This photo was taken in 2008 or 09'. Which photo
is the orginal; that is, which is right-side up? Is the scene of sky or water? Manipulate the photo vertical as well. How do you look and observe what is around you?

Are things always as they seem? Sometimes we see clearly and other times but a dim reflection. Sometimes we see as face to face and other times, never at all.                            

In the 90's I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a long African safari in Tanzania, Kenya and Zimbabwe with my mother, two sisters and a neice. I got to the point where I could spot a leopard and cheetah before our private guide; it was wonderful. No longer do I look at the ground when walking. Once in a ''blue moon" I realize I'm looking down at the ground and immediately catch myself; it is too beautiful to miss what is around me no matter the season.Watch other people as you are walking and notice how many people just look at the ground when walking [(smiley face :) ]. We are creatures of habit. Spring is ''springing up'' and that means all kinds of ephemerals will be popping their little heads up from the ground. The birds are already making tons of chatter and the peepers are up for the first time. Here in Glenmoore, ''they say", you know those people who know everything (ha ha ha) ''they say," "that the third time the peepers come up and chatter that spring is finally here." Well, right now the peepers are so loud from the pond you can hear them through the windows!! Just a few more weeks.!!!

So next I will have to publish the song my mother always sang to us in the spring! She was always singing.

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