Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I am thankful for the breezes that flow through all the windows when I come
home and open them up. No air-conditioning here.

The air is so wonderful. Almost as wonderful as being on water, by water.
To have both is a marvel.

I now remember my mother saying almost the same thing:
"Suzie, just feel that breeze! Isn't it heavenly?" Her exact words.
Her smile.  I remember her smile and motions when she would say those words.
She seemed to gain some peace and joy in her ''nature moments." Many times Mom
would raise her head just a little, breathing in, savoring the scents and scenery. And boy
were there scents! Cows, horses, manure, bugs, cool mud after a rain and flowers to name
a few.
I am thankful for my mother.

I am thankful for the tons of birds that sing all day; for the lone raven in the poplar tree
and the cackling, territorial American Crows that keep the Vultures at bay....for the birds
nests I've come upon.

Cool breeze come waft
by this place,
Caress my cheek with balm. 

Gird me up on graceful wings,
Steel me,
for this hour.
                                       -suzie july 22, 2010

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