Wednesday, March 9, 2011


March 9th, oh, when I just saw that date go up I realized it is a day after Isaac's birthday (see previous entry) AND the day before my Great Grandmother's birthday who was born in 1885, Anna Smick Livezey. (oh brother,,I use too many words,,that's called ''between") Anyway, at that moment I thought, I wonder if anyone I knew was born this day and = wouldn't that be cool, a distant relative born today mabye? anyway, if so,......> Happy Birthday!   (in september my birthday is the 14th, my sister's is the 16th and I know of someone the 15th; not a relative but still think that's cool.) I wonder how many of you out there know of someone born the same day as you; I know of two on my special day. Yeah, its special to me. Mom made it so very special...but, i think i wrote about that already. (did I write already that my sister and I are the same age for two days...perhaps I did.)

I never knew my Grandmother. She knew me ''perhaps." Mom took me several times to see her but my great grandmother forgot I was even there. She died about 3 months after I was born. Mom says I took after her with my love and passion for gardening. My grandmother was in a wheelchair when she was in her 60's. She had childhood rheumatoid arthritis. So, when she was older and gardening she would drag herself along the ground and weed her gardens. Mom said that people all around came for seeds from my grandmother's gardens and for flowers. She also placed a tub in the ground between two gardens where my mother would sit on a large stone and watch frogs jump in and out of the water garden. One frog my mother brought home from their walks from ''the Pines" in south jersey, would sit on the edge of the tub while my mother pet him. Imagine! That stone is still there today. I know there is a name for this type of stone; it is the stone that was placed in front of a home so when the coach stopped the passenger would step on it instead of stepping into the mud. I am hoping one day to ask if I can have the large stone.  My grandparents home was established in past years as ''historic'' and has been the local library for quite some time! Isn't that neat? (anybody want to loan me a crane to get it home?)

Anna was a beautiful woman, particularly with her hair pinned up. Remember how woman back then put up their hair but poofed it way out? Well, there is a beautiful picture of her next to the Wissahickon Creek outside Philadelphia where she would go boating often with her beau's. I would love to scan that pic and put it here but that is not possible considering the size and condition of the picture.

Well, for now I will just say, since i need to practice my piano, that Anna S. Livezey, a nurse in Philadelphia married a Dr. John Smith.  Can you believe that name?  John and Anna had 3 daughters. They named their last daughter none other than Mary, Mary Smith.  Can you imagine that? And Mary is my wonderful mother! Yep, we are pretty common folks but, special, gifted, talented, extraordinary ''folks." ha haha want to hear another joke?.......................................

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