I would like to feature Jonni's blog! Several years ago I happened to come upon her blog and was fascinated by her work. So, I proceeded that very day to read ALL the "how to's" so I could ''someday'' produce my own paper mache creations. It is amazing how our brains tuck away all sorts of information and it somehow remains in the far crevices to be retrieved much later!!!
two weeks ago our daughter-in-law and son sent us an invitation to our 1st grandson's birthday party. He is ONE TODAY actually, MARCH 8TH. The invitation informed us that ''their LITTLE CUPCAKE" was turning one. The theme of the party would come from the book IF YOU GIVE A CAT A CUPCAKE by Laura Numeroff.
while returning their dog, Bailey, a puggle to them over a meal at TGI Friday's, Michael our son says,
"wouldn't it be fun if I had time to make a paper mache cat just like the one from the book?" INSTANTLY MY BRAIN THINKS ''YEAH~~! AND I AM GOING TO SURPRISE THEM AND MAKE ONE~~~!!!!"
I happened to have all the necessary ''fixin's" to make the cat. (Yeah, my art closet is rather large and is filled with an asundry of interesting finds from all over the place....) Understand, I do not think of myself as an artist; I am not an artist. For the first time a few years ago I tried my hand at watercolor. Am trying to teach myself knitting/crochet. My art form I guess is gardening....ANYWAY, I AM PROUD OF HOW HE TURNED OUT IN A MATTER OF SEVERAL HOURS. Now I am thinking perhaps 3D is a form of art I could consider.
I DID NOT USE JONNI'S RECIPE(S) as this was a serendipity activity! First I constructed the base (pic of cat on my piano); next I applied my paper mache (cat form with grey material).
Time for kitty to dry!
Notice he is propped
against a small fish tank.
He was heavier than
I planned and was falling to his right.
I also had to move him
upstairs to my art/sewing room near a heat lamp so he could dry in time!!! (the following two pictures.) Notice the scratch marks in the picture of the cat by the heat lamp; I wanted to portray hair/fur---there are arguments by ''those people'' which it really should be called..ha ha.
I made holes for whiskers. These will be added at the end and be old bristles from an oil paint brush.

Below to the left is the ''kitty in progress." Well, I just realized I never got any great pictures of him all done! The last two are the best I have on hand right now. Wish you could tell how the cupcake looks like real icing. I used a medium to build the acrylic paint up to resemble whipped icing then sprinkled it with real jimmies. The last pic is out of focus; I wanted a view of his head like in the book. Imagine the whiskers; they are there just not visible in the picture.

Can you imagine: he got to dig into his cupcake with both hands and its chocolate! His first experience of sugar!!! He studied it for quite a while, took a teeny taste and proceeded with great care....hmmmm...what does that mean for a career....his temperment?
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