There are so many creative ways to adorn a mantle for Christmas.
I have found over the years most of my decorations I have made; usually, made items go to family and friends. All the angels pictured I have made except for the small clay angel (center left) with the horn and the stuffed canvas angel (far right front). One angel was made to enter a competition, another made with a group of friends for a fun craft day. Two angels were made for my mother and sister who are now deceased; so, these angels are special to me.
After putting together the mantle I considered the wreath I'd decorate for the wall but decided I liked the blank wall thinking I'd put up an angel ''perhaps." Well, she was just hanging there on the nail for awhile with her legs dangling down for a day. (When I reach an impasse I wait a day or to and walk by, glance at or sit and stare at the entire area.) All of sudden an idea will come to me and in my head, for some reason, I say ''presto anti-freeze!!" aka: ''that's it, that's what I'll do." The idea that popped in my head was to adhere her legs in a flying position. A day later I was glancing at the angel and the thought came, "FOR UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN." The candles still need some work as you can tell. The gold cups near the center are candles as well.
How To: Print out the necessary letters in black from the computer. Cut out the letters and trace on white paper. Mount on wall with "Handi-tak." (craft store or possibly office supply store) The angels are made corn husks, fabric, lace, etc. For whimsy I cross the angels legs in different positions. Greenery is always fresh mixed with mini-lights and/or baby's breath, holly, ribbon. Keep it simple not fussy.
#2 January 25th, 2010: The Nativity below was made from muslin and acrylic paints; some are embroidered. Then I made wooden stands for each; they were supposed to hang from a mobile but I wanted mine to stand. Not all the sheep are in this picture. I don't know what it is about this set but it is one of the favorite things I have made. I was surprised that I could paint and draw faces way back when. You cannot see it but baby Jesus sits on a wooden manger I made as well. The pattern came from: (will look this up and entered later so the co. gets the credit)
You can't see but the scene is set in a large bay window with fresh evergreens, pinecones, and berries, little birds, candles and tiny white lights complete the background. The urn has ivy growing from it which usually sits on the mini-grand. I don't know, there is something I just love about this scene; warm and inviting I guess.
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