Tuesday, January 5, 2010


                  One of our sons now lives in Shanghai as of Monday, January 4th 2010.
I was not expecting to talk with him for quite some time. When I got on to check my mail I found he was on line and I tried video chat. Isn't video chat THE BEST!!!  Before we had to wait months to
get news from a loved one, photos, etc. across the miles. And there he was as clear as day; we talked and talked. I am so thrilled for him to have this experience. He has always been interested in going to China.
Now he needs a job; ha ha ha.!

Apparently China does not allow people to access blogs; Jonathan cannot access my blog from China.

So I will, for now, see Shanghai through Jonathan's eyes and words. My hope is, by May or June to visit for a couple of weeks. First he needs to find a job and find his way around so he can give us the quintessential tour. (don't know if I spelled that word correctly/oh well too bad.) Maybe I should start a blog here
about China. Will think on that.

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