Friday, February 24, 2012


 The weather has been so unusual this year; this week warm and breezy. Weeding has begun already (?) as some unknown ''thing'' has spread over many many gardens! This is not an easy ''just pull and go'' type of weed; on knees, dig across and under, work it, work it, pull, sift...eventually ''voila!" one weed has bit the dust.  

OH..., a rolling sea of weeds!
       Jump aboard this sea of green,
              and cast away me? but A SHIP I  need!
                      To farther shore MANY days from now, 
                              ANYONE interested?  Please come aboard!      -suzie

Come ''true spring'' there won't be time to weed; preparation for a wedding, recovery from a swimming pool blown down. Yes. Searing winds brought more trees down and, 20,000 gallons of pool water gushed toward the house leaving laden birdseed bins and an asundry other items strewn throughout the lawn. Sarah's boyfriend calls our woods, Chernobyl. Sadly, he is correct; the beauty of the woods is gone. Repetitive unusual storms of 2 years gone by.

Today: walking up the lane a breath of spring tried pouring in...why then such melancholy spirit within..., no laughter-
                                   "YET MY SOUL SEES BEAUTY IN LITTLE THINGS:

                                                     THANK YOU LORD, THESE GIFTS 
                                                                        OF SPRING."


Those nodding heads,              
in white's and pink's,
some green's.
Those winter winds,
emoting me
to thoughts of
coming spring.                               

Does spring bring forth the hope of life,
a salve for broken dreams?
If so, rush past you winter winds,
pour hard gushing tears of rain.
March out to greet those nodding heads
in Hope,             an unfettered, flowing, spring.                -suzie



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