Monday, February 13, 2012

Ode to Jonathan, my boy, Yet A Man!

A solitary statue
sitting here on this shelf,
preparing my day,
a cleaning elf!

Keurig coffee sits beside me,
off to my left; 
and you were just here
with coffee and off
to the right!

Yet now you are off 
living where you should be
up and out, on your business
my Jing Jing is ''there."

How strong, A tall tower!
as he stood in that line,
My child of great character:
Integrity! is his line.

Two months! memories linger-
I'll cherish that time,
But a boy must move onward
and complete his own rhyme.

Oh wow and amazing
that you can do this,
take off and pursue,                      
a business like this!

My head shakes how awesome,
you persist and move on,
Not one of us here would,...
could pursue such a task!

A task?... humor tickles,
my mind surprisingly,
Isn't that what you're after;
Clearcut?! Yes indeed!

Jonathan, I love you,
to be a fly on the wall,
and watch you achieve this,
Man,....I'm just in awe.           with love, mother

ps: PopPop would be so very very proud of you; you stand like him Jonathan; so strong, mind and body, his spirit, his entrepreneurship...… and you have his nose!!!

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