Friday, October 30, 2009

DID YOU KNOW? you can join "Project BudBurst" and gather valuable environmental and climate change information?    ".....thousands of others" are gathering this information from across the country. Project BudBurst engages the public in making careful observations of the phenophases such as first leafing, first flower, and first fruit ripening of a diversity of trees, shrubs, flowers, and grasses in their local area.  Who can participate?
                STUDENTS       EDUCATORS (K-12)     SPECIAL PROJECTS (general public)

Project BudBurst also collaborates/partners with "other organizations that are producing unique campaigns for engaging the public in environmental research."

Share photos with BudBurst through Flicker!
  This site is very straightforward, easy to use/navigate! Choose the category(ies) of plant(s) you wish to observe and enter your data.    CHECK IT OUT!

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