Friday, October 9, 2009

HOW TO's: Fall Pumpkin Center Piece THAT LASTS! Great "MAKE AHEAD"....

GLENMOORE GARDEN CLUB VISITS NURSING HOME     Prepared with cleaned out pumpkins, flowers and greens from our own yards and smiling faces, the Glenmoore Garden Club next Tues., October 13th will help residents decorate their own fall centerpieces. Photos of residents are not included for privacy reasons.This is one our most favorite activities and the residents really enjoy it as well.
NEED: one small or medium pumpkin, carved out, lid and contents discarded.

          water/clorox solution 10/1 (enough to rinse out shell of pumpkin)*
          one small or medium sized piece of ''oasis'' (purchased at craft supply store)
          flowers, greens (be sure to think about width and height)**
  * Water/clorox solution will prevent rotting up to two weeks at least or more, often 3. Great to make  for dinner parties. I have made them from teeny pumpkins as individual gifts for women's events/personal tea parties/children's craft for birthday parties, etc.
** Recommendations for any container arrangements:
The container is 1/3 of the total height with the arrangement of flowers/greens the remaining 2/3's. Width of flowers/greens should not extend more than 1/3 to 1/2 the width of the container. I find that 1/2 is too much but this is personal taste.
HOW TO: Soak the oasis in a small bowl of water till thoroughly saturated. Meanwhile clean and prepare pumpkin as outlined in the "NEED" section above. Pour enough water/clorox solution to fill the cavity of the pumpkin. While pouring the liquid out roll pumpkin one revolution to be sure the top inside edges or ''lip" of the pumpkin are treated as well. Place the oasis in the pumpkin and decorate!!

I included the close-up photo as I am not happy with any of the photos of the arrangement. Secondly, the choice of flowers/greens in the yard this fall are not plentiful for some reason. And lastly, I chose for fun the one with the best kitty cat picture in it keeping the arrangement far out of site..ha ha ha!!! (Grace is on the left and Maggie is hidden in the back of the picture; where is Rufus??)

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