Tuesday, October 20, 2009


                        PERIDOTITE: What in the world is that???
                                      CAN IT AID IN OUR CLIMATE CHANGES?

 IT'S A ROCK! A rock that Peter Kelemen and Jurg Matter have figured out how "to sequester'' CO2, (can't make the little 2; sorry about that), in this ''limestone-like-carbonate'', aka: peridotite.
WHY? These Columbia University scientists say that the East and West coasts contain enough of this
rock "to suck up more than 500 years' worth of future U.S. carbon emissions." They have developed a process to......(read more and check it out!)

WHERE? NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ADVENTURE MAGAZINE, Volume 11, Number 6, (ISSN 1523-6226) October 2009: Adventure's Leading Edge; pages 53-60.
PICTURE OF: http://geology.about.com/od/rocks/ig/igrockindex/rocpicperidotite.htm

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