Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Since beginning my blog I have posted only three (3) of my watercolors in the heading. "I've never talked about them! Wow, how did I miss that?"

The watercolor currently posted above (to the right as well) was painted during a watercolor class several years ago. The instructor is a member of the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society in Philadelphia. Her name escapes me at the moment. (Alice ?) I was extremely timid in my new found hobby and am just now working on confidence; I want to find my own style.

Alice took the class to a very narrow Pennsylvania road; one car and perhaps a motorcycle width with deep gulley's either side. Knowing I would struggle no matter what view I chose I decided to just plop myself where I was and ''go for it."

I was surprised and pleased with what I did. Today, I would add more depth of color/contrast. It looks stiff to me. I haven't named it yet either so I need to think about that too.

For motivation to get back into watercolor painting I have decided to take a class with Jean Uhl Spicer a published watercolorist; I cannot believe her class is close by in Wayne, PA.
Check her book out at:


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