Monday, January 18, 2010


Who dares, stand glancing way out to Yonder
to the future with wandering wonder?
Warm sets the sun its beauty ablaze
filling soul with wonder to wander!

Beneath cuts the valley that meandering river,
running far from this place that I stand!
Hold fast sturdy raft, to my side of the shore,
bear me up in that day, wandering wonder!  - suzie  10'

ok, now I know that poem may sound dumb to some of you or all of you (ha ha ha! je je jeje) But, it doesn't to me; it makes a lot of sense. And why do I even need to say anything about it. Guess its that lack of confidence and feeling dumb; so, by saying something it makes it all ok or something like that to put it on here. so yeah. that's it. I'm putting it out there anyway. I like it for what it is.  
PHOTO ADDED: January 24th 4pm 
Just took this yesterday at ''Crow's Nest," Elverson: a Natural Land's Trust Park in PA. Don't you just love water. It is a little blurry blown up this large but for me it makes it more powerful and moving. Go to:
                        This moment in time, 
                   water swells and  it ripples, 
              surging onward down to the sea. 
          And what does it greet along the way? 
              If I could but ride along and see!!!!!    -suzie

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