Friday, November 25, 2011


Somehow I erased my entry. 
will have to re-enter I liked it. 
Ps. 121: 1-4 and Ps. 139: 1-12
both Psalms fully memorized b/c I need(ed) it**: do you need words during difficult
times to try and plunge through dark times.....take a look at the entirety of both Psalms.
(colored pencil: a practice lesson)

I really liked how the fingernail came out: very surprised actually that it looks kinda real. There is
hope yet for exploring this medium.
**"b/c I need(ed) it": I have come back July 2012 to explain what I mean by that statement to encourage anyone about memorization. Now I know there will those who balk at this and just say my brain did this b/c I wanted/needed so badly to memorize it so it happened. But, I know me, I know my limitations and I know what I do you explain the unexplainable that ''you know is true.?" 

Okay: During a very dark length of time the lines of Psalm 139 were like a balm to my soul; the words were a life-line to hold me from sinking deeper. I wrote it all down on paper and went for a very tearful
walk. With paper in hand I told the Lord how I need this "Psalm 139"…
So I set out and walked for what I discovered later was 40 min. and had it all set to memory; like fluid it  could roll off my tongue aloud or in my head and it was in my do you explain when something is in your deep down spiritual place…your soul.? And I have had that still today along with all of Psalm 121 (a thankful praising psalm etc.)…when times get tough…...God gave the words to me.
And when I force myself to know it/say it I cannot completely unless I am in need….

I have tried to memorize other things with some success. I have found that I can only memorize what I truly need and I know it is not from me; you can say it is this or that scientifically/psychologically and explain it away. .....but it is the Lord who gives… hopefully i explained that well. Ask.

Monday, November 14, 2011

PASTELS: My First Try

ASSIGNMENT: learn pastels: paint my 2 adirondack chairs in a scene in my yard. THAT WAS TOO MUCH FOR ME TO THINK ABOUT...I saw an apple in the kitchen with beautiful leaves still attached so I asked the teacher if I could do that instead. ''YES." Thus began the apple and leaves....well, that morphed into the crazy hair-brained idea to practice ''a hand'' and of course that means its Eve's hand (my hand.) I didn't plan a background/composition so the problem presented: WHAT TO DO WITH THE BACKGROUND? man. I made up what is in the second picture and DO NOT LIKE IT. 

So, this is a work in progress or I might just put it away and chalk it up (ha ha- get the joke ''chalk'' ) as a practice of pastels...I DO LIKE THE RESULTS THOUGH OF THE APPLE.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


COLORED PENCILS: I was given, as my first project, a small statue of a ceramic clown to paint.
                                                             (I don't like clowns)
My first idea was not to render it as ''ceramic'' and to put into the painting my expression/interpretation of the character.
Of course this photograph does not show the clown as vivid or detailed as I would hope; but then, that
is my old Rebel camera which I do not want to part with at this point.

(apologies: the picture is too dark and does not represent his clothing well)

By the end of the project I came to enjoy this little fellow: I like the expression I put into his face and would like to believe it is a little bit of ''me": whimsy, playful, spontaneous, mischievous and fun. 

The painting at the top of my blog page (***pumpkins and flowers- removed it june 2012 posting at bottom of this page) was my second assignment. I have not signed them yet as I do not feel they are ''complete."  My next post will feature some small tutorials I used to practice colored pencil; books taken from the local library. 

COLORED PENCILS ARE NOT CONSIDERED, YET, A TRUE ART FORM similarly to pastels  which were not established as such until the 1980's! Imagine that! 
To think that Rembrandt et. al. used pastels as an art medium! There was a ''modern pastel renaissance," so to speak, around 1987 and then in 1994 The International Association of Pastel Societies was formed to unite the world in recognizing ''pastels'' as an art form. This was then followed in later years with The Pastel Journal

This blog entry however, is about Colored Pencils.  Continuing with the study of colored pencils I am affording myself the opportunity to be introduced to pastels, oils and watercolor pencils. I did dabble in watercolor a few years ago. It is my hope to establish the mediums that will be ''my passion" and study those in detail. 
Any comments, critique's, recommendations for workshops, etc. are encouraged/WELCOMED.

I was not happy with the flower pot she chose and the haphazard arrangement (?) in it but had to go with what was there….would love to have free license to change the contents of the pot. But I was to represent it as is. Showing you some progression of the pencil. Notice the 2nd picture: it is missing something on the left so she did allow me to put in a leaf that I made up from memory...

The pot held a leftover geranium that survived the winter indoors along with nasturtiums.
Photo doesn't show the full colors unfortunately; nor depth really so I guess I need more darks!!!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Have you ever fallen in a pile of leaves
   or read a book lying deep within?
Have you ever dove through a pile of leaves
   or crawled and curled hidin' deep within?
Have you ever kissed in a pile of leaves
   or hugged snuggling tickling kids?
Have you ever thrown a pile of leaves
   or blown them about to watch'em twirl?

I have,
     and its fun,
          OH, there's so much to do,
               in a deep pile of falling leaves!

Have you ever said, "I'll rake those leaves,"
   but found you played instead;
      or, put it off by taking a walk,
          through wood or quiet glen?

Have you ever said, "I can't stand all these leaves,"
   but found you loved instead;
      the sights, the scents, the cackling geese,
          those awesome colors beneath your feet?   

........... (to be continued?) we shall see.... 
                                                                      -suzie   11/3/2011