or read a book lying deep within?
Have you ever dove through a pile of leaves
or crawled and curled hidin' deep within?
Have you ever kissed in a pile of leaves
or hugged snuggling tickling kids?
Have you ever thrown a pile of leaves
or blown them about to watch'em twirl?
I have,
and its fun,
OH, there's so much to do,
in a deep pile of falling leaves!
Have you ever said, "I'll rake those leaves,"
but found you played instead;
or, put it off by taking a walk,
through wood or quiet glen?
Have you ever said, "I can't stand all these leaves,"
but found you loved instead;
the sights, the scents, the cackling geese,
those awesome colors beneath your feet?
........... (to be continued?) we shall see....
-suzie 11/3/2011
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